Doing Business in Ypsilanti

Check if your business or building is in the DDA

 Opening a business in the city? 

 All businesses within the City of Ypsilanti are required to obtain and maintain a valid Business Occupancy Permit.

More information about this program is available on the City’s website at  For more information about the business inspection program, please contact the Building Department at 734-482-1025.

Ypsi Incentives

Available to businesses and building owners in any of the 3 DDA districts of Ypsilanti.
Printable Version

Michigan Small Business Development Center

Are you thinking about launching or growing your small business? If you are then you should visit the Michigan Small Business Development Center (MI-SBDC). They offer free counseling, market research, and business training services and have a local office in Downtown Ypsilanti. Check out the Guide to Starting and Operating a Small Business and the free online training calendar.

For more information visit

SPARK East Business Incubator

Since 2008 the SPARK East Business Incubator in Downtown Ypsilanti has been a magnet for innovation based companies of all sizes. If you are an entrepreneur looking for a space for your start-up company and the resources to get your business venture off the ground, you should pay SPARK East a visit. For more information visit SPARK’s website »

Redevelopment Liquor Licenses Available in the Ypsilanti DDA Districts

The State of Michigan approved the creation of Redevelopment Liquor Licenses through PA 501 of 2006. This act allows local governments to issue new liquor licenses above their allotted quota with the stated purpose of encouraging economic development in approved development areas. Redevelopment Liquor Licenses are available for $20,000 provided certain investment thresholds and performance criteria are met. For specific details and application see:

Street Closures for Events

None scheduled for 2023

Downtown Dumpsters

The DDA regulates three dumpster enclosures in Downtown Ypsilanti.  They are located in the N. Huron, S. Huron, and N. Adams parking lots. 

All enclosures require a code for access.
We offer restaurant, commercial, and residential rates.  All invoices are billed in four month cycles.

If you are interested in purchasing access to one of the dumpsters, please email

curbside recycling for dda businesses / multi-family units

 For Commercial and Multi-Family (up to 4) Units:

The red bins will no longer be serviced after Memorial Day 2023.  Stacked cardboard will also no longer be picked up after Memorial Day.  Whether or not your commercial or multi-family unit is currently serviced, you will need to opt-in for a recycling cart and service.  Opt-ins are not a guarantee of service, rather an indication of interest. Not all locations can be safely serviced. Interested parties can sign up for up to three 96 gallon carts. The first one is free, and any additional carts will be at a cost. The carts are 3x that of the current red bins.

Please be patient with City Staff as they take on this huge upgrade. If you are eligible for service and you are new to the program, please be aware that your cart may take a few months to arrive if you opt-in now.  

More info and pickup schedules in the links below. Any additional questions can be directed towards the City of Ypsilanti Department of Public Services – Phone: 734-483-1421.

Commercial Opt-in
Multi-Family (up to 4 units)  Opt-in