Depot Town

Depot Town

The whistle of a train pierces the air, and the nearby Huron River sparkles in the sun. This is Depot Town, where trains still rumble through on regular intervals and Ypsilanti’s original train depot still stands today — along with rows of beautiful, original brick buildings from the turn of the century.

Visit tasty local restaurants such as Maiz, Aubrees and Sidetrack as well as unique shops such as the This, That, and the ODDer Things, and Lucky Haskins Antiques and Retro. Walk along cobblestone sidewalks to the Ypsilanti Freighthouse, a festival in a nearby park, a multitude of antique stores, or the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum.

The Depot Town TIF Plan can be found here.

Fun Fact: The first City Hall, jail and clothing store were located in Depot Town.

I have loved being in Depot Town for 45 years. Our district has gone through some major changes but the one constant has always been the merchants and customers. It is sweet to walk into a store and get that old town feeling, personal care, and pleasant conversation. Depot Town is a unique district that works together to make visiting an enjoyable experience and a place to share with friends”

Sandee French, Aubree’s Pizzeria and Grill